Thank you Justin for your hard work in ensuring Post 1177 grounds are squared away.
Post Members and the local community gather at the post to prepare sets of sweats for veterans to be delivered at Martinsburg VAMC.
The Post Newsletter earned the Silver Award for post publications at the National Level.
Congratulations to this year's winners of Loudoun County VFW Post 1177's Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen competitions, along with the VFW Loudoun County, Teachers of the Year, Scout of the Year, and Loudoun County Public Servant Awards!!! This year we had entries from all over Loudoun County across all of these categories, and the judging was very, very difficult! These Winners and Honorable Mentions represent the BEST of Loudoun County!! They will all be honored at the 2 April 2025 VFW Post Meeting at 7:30pm! The Loudoun VFW Post Home is located at 401 Old Waterford Rd. in Leesburg Virginia.
Post Members Personally Make the Delivery
Senate Approves Blue Water Navy Bill
Mission BBQ will be celebrating National Korean War Armistice Day
The Honor Flight – Top of Virginia organization is leading an Honor Flight operation on 7 September 2019
Tom LoPresti
Sept. 18, 2019 — Pause, take a breath, and know that you are loved ... Don’t do it. Advice from Air Force 1st Lt. Brad Worley who lost his dad to suicide 26 years ago. “There was so much you missed out on, and there’s so much I want to tell you,” Worley writes in a letter to his dad. “Why did you leave us so soon? So many people that loved you, why didn’t you just call one of them?” In a recently released Defense Visual Information Distribution Service video, Worley reads the letter he wrote to his dad telling him about everything he has missed, highlighting that the effects of suicide can have a lasting effect on family, friends, and communities.
The Department’s compelling mission to make a difference in the lives of our fellow citizens encourages our workforce and draws candidates seeking to join our team. The threats and challenges facing the Department and the nation are complex and constantly evolving. Now more than ever, DHS must recruit, develop, and retain a talented and diverse workforce.
Many attended the annual post Holiday Party, bringing cheer and joy to the Post, their families and friends and the community.
Chantilly High School graduate Abigail Brown, sponsored by the Post Auxiliary, wins the Department of Virginia Young American Patriotic Art Contest. Wins scholarship.
Recent passage of the Harry W. Colmery Educational Assistance Act of 2017, also known as the “Forever GI Bill,” enacts several changes to the GI Bill that will positively impact Veterans and their families.
Post Given $20K by the Home Depot Foundation for Renovations
As of October 31st, Loudoun County VFW Post 1177 has closed accepting Patriots Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teacher of the Year submissions for 2018. High quality submissions in all three categories were accepted from across all of Loudoun County Virginia. Good Luck to all, and Thank You for your Participation!
Post 1177 is among the top posts in the nation, earning All-American Post status for 2016-2017.
Post is honored for its hard work and commitment to Loudoun County Veterans by earning All-American Status.
With a list of activities, Post 1177 was active within the community honoring our fellow comrades.
Representatives from VFW districts and posts from around the world gather in New Orleans. Post 1177 Quartermaster Les Flores represented Post 1177 as a delegate.
October 7th marked the 80th Anniversary of Post 1177 and it was marked with celebration, food and music.
Post 1177 presented the Vietnam War Commemoration flag and certificate in appreciation for supporting the organization as a commemorative partner. Pins given to Vietnam War era veterans in attendance to honor their service.
The new Ashburn DVS offices provides easy access to veterans within Loudoun County.
District Commander Robert Adamczyk of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Virginia District 10 announced the kick-off of this year’s VFW’s Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Scholarship competition. Local high school and middle school students can compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships.
Reston, VA – MAY 5, 2021 – The Dulles Area Transportation Association (DATA) and the Northern Virginia Veterans Association (NOVA Veterans) have been awarded federal funding for a joint project to provide veterans who are disabled or over 65 with transportation to COVID-19 vaccination appointments. While vaccination availability has increased, an escalating critical transportation crisis is preventing our most vulnerable veterans from getting vaccinated. This is particularly problematic for those veterans who receive their medical care from distant Veterans Administration medical facilities and are without reliable transportation.
Alexandria National Cemetery - Please help VFW Post 609 remember, honor, and teach on December 19 at 12:00 PM by sponsoring a wreath, volunteering, or inviting friends to help.
Quantico National Cemetery - NOVA Veterans Association will be laying wreaths at Quantico National Cemetery from 16-19 December.
The members of VFW Post 7916 in Occoquan, Virginia, have demonstrated a commitment to their mission of “Honoring the Dead by Helping the Living” throughout the pandemic. The Post made sure members received health and welfare checks so that those most at-risk, or in need, received essentials. They also delivered food to residents of the town and donated to a local food bank.
VFW Post 7916 and their auxiliary members were featured in the latest promotional video from VFW National.
District 10 held its annual awards ceremony on 1 March 2020 for the Teacher of the Year, Patriot’s Pen, and Voice of Democracy Programs.
The Virginia District 10 Convention will be held on 14 June 2020, 1300 at VFW Post 1503.
District 10 held its annual elections and installation of officers on 6/14/2020 for the 2020-2021 year. Click More Info to see the results.
District Commander Robert Adamczyk of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. Virginia District 10 announced the kick-off of this year’s VFW’s Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen Scholarship competition. Local high school and middle school students can compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships and a trip to Washington, D.C.
Western Prince William County Post 12218 will be conducting their first Change of Command Ceremony on June 8th, 1000 at Great Mane Brewery in Haymarket, VA. Come on out and support one of Virginia's newest Posts.
The United State of America Vietnam War Commemoration is holding a Welcome Home event at the National Mall in Washington DC on May 11th to 13th 2023.
The VFW Department of Virginia is turning 100 this year and we are celebrating across the state with our members. Come join us at one of seven locations with food, fun, music and giveaways.
The state of Virginia is changing the gaming laws and regulations in ways that may seriously impact VFW Posts. Your input is needed!
Nearly $6,000 for community service and Post home improvements all funded by Powerhouse Gaming.